A series of unusual documents that might be considered crude, but that can guarantee the genuineness of the source. Pictures about the Suez canal at the time of building which are not easy to be watched by a modern viewer. Pictures of the Shan ethnic group from Burma at the beginning of the last century, in addition to the images of the camel market in Aden, pictures of Egypt taken by the Zangaki and di Beato brothers, the Boxer Rebellion in China, beheadings, violent happenings that make us think that violence in the world has not decreased as time goes by. A visual experience to think about the slowness of events in the past, when information could take as long as months to reach Europe, traveling on boats or caravans. Cameras were already there and where capturing the moments.

Egypt. Giza. Going Up on the Pyramid. Photo by Zangaki. Albumen. 1880 caCambodia. Angkor. Photographer possibly GsellEgypt. On the road to pyramids. Photo by Zangaki. Albumen. 1800 caEgypt. Statue of Menphis in Sakkara. Photo by ZangakiIndonesia. Java.Borobudur. Photographer unknown. AlbumenChina. Countrymen. Photo by John Thomson. AlbumenCochinchina. Along Bay. Albumen. 1900 caChina. Coolies. Photo by Huang-Ky. AlbumenSuez Canal with Ship, Egypt. Photo by Zangaki, Albumen 1880 caEgypt. Hookah Pipes. Photographer unknown. AlbumenEgypt. Ismailia. Viceroi Palace on working place no.6. Photo by ArnouxEgypt. Kantara. Canal crossing with camels from Syria. Photo by ArnouxEgypt. Suez Canal. Photo by ZangakiEgypt. Thebe's Gate. Photo by BeatoYemen. Camel Market near AdenEgypt. Village near Pyramids. Photo by C.Lekegian and Co