Images of a group of people of Northern Indochina. Men and women who dared to rebel against French colonial domination and for that reason were called 'pirates' while the real pirates were others who plundered the lands and peoples from their resources, forming an alliance with the Mandarin bourgeoisie and the local notables. Cruel photos recorded mostly in the publications of Dieulefils that did not increase, 'in the Civil West,' the idea of 'blood-consciousness' of those people who have never been ashamed. Because of the harassment and intrusiveness of the conquerors, they had to use guns to defend their lives. Many happenings generated hate against the Western conquerors and their local lackeys. The committed abuses also produced nationalist sentiments and rebellion. Someone said that the mother of the man who used to be called “uncle Ho” by the Americans, and who was also the leader of Vietnam reunion, belonged to the De Tham Band. Apple doesn’t fall too far off from the tree!